Friday, October 22, 2010

Bite Me by Jambrea Jo Jones

The ARe short story contest is in the fourth round of voting. Jambrea Jo Jones has made it as well as three other authors. All the stories are great so go vote for your favorite.

I personally loved Jambrea's story, "Bite Me". It has all the right elements for a sexy vampire romance!

Here's a taste for your reading pleasure:

I don’t care what anyone says, the first bite is always the best. The rush of the chase and the delicious taste of victory are much better than the same thing day in and day out.

So why do I keep coming back to him? I’ve had his blood. Nothing special there, just life sustaining, A-positive goodness.

Maybe it’s because there is no fear in him. He likes when I stalk him and pouts when I’m away for too long. And I can never stay gone. He knows as well as I do that the thirst for hunting others is waning.

Read the rest of "Bite Me" HERE (and don't forget to put in your vote!)

Oh, and it's Friday! So, kick back and relax. ;-)


  1. Voted - it's such a good story.....

    Can I relax with him ?? :)

  2. I agree, Maria! I hope it wins!

    --and relax away! hehe!

  3. Yum... I'd like to relax with him too!

  4. Yum-he can bite me anytime. LOL Saw the post for Jambi abd I have voted. Anne you are a doll.

  5. Sharon--He does wear those Calvin Klein's well. *grin*

  6. Linda--I hope Jambrea wins too! She deserves it, where others do NOT.
